Teaching Activities
Tutor for Real Analysis at the IWM Winter School for Young Women in Mathematics (WSYWM-21) (15th Dec -24th Dec 2021).
Teaching assistant for the course MTH-101(Calculus) at IIT Kanpur in the semester I (2021-2022).
Teaching Complex Analysis for Competitive Exams at VSSD College, Kanpur (May 2022- Jan 2023).
Teaching assistant for the courses MTH-111 and MTH112 (Calculus) at IIT Kanpur in the semester I (2022-2023).
Teaching assistant for the course MTH 301 (Real Analysis) at IIT Kanpur in semester II (2022-2023).
Teaching Abstract Algebra for BSc and MSc students at VSSD College, Kanpur (March 2023-April 2024).
Teaching assistant for the courses MTH-111 and MTH112 (Calculus) at IIT Kanpur in the semester I (2023-2024).
Teaching assistant for the course MTH 301 (Real Analysis) at IIT Kanpur in semester II (2023-2024).
Teaching Several Variable Calculus for BSc and MSc students at VSSD College, Kanpur (May 2024-).
Teaching assistant for the course MTH 301 (Real Analysis) at IIT Kanpur in the semester I (2024-2025).

Workshop and Conferences
1) International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Application(IWOTA), Krakow, Poland. (September 6-10, 2022)
2) Operator Theory and Complex Geometry(OTCG), IISER Kolkata. (November 24 - 26, 2022)
3) Operator Theory and Operator Algebra(OTOA), IIT Gandhinagar. (March 06- 11, 2023)
4) Function Spaces, Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, BITS Goa. (June 12-July 1, 2023)
5) International Workshop on Operator Theory and Its Applications (IWOTA), Helsinki, Finland(31st July- 4th Sep 2023)
6) 38th Annual Conference of Ramanujan Mathematical Soceity (RMS 2023), IIT Guwahati, India( Dec 22-24, 2023)
7) Annual Departmental Open House 2024, IIT Kanpur, (Mar 03, 2024)